“The body achieves what the mind believes.”


Strength training (body toning, muscle strength and growth)
Using weights
Using body weight

Conditioning & Cardio
High Intensity Interval Training (Cross-Fit, Tabata)

Postural assessment – identification of possible compensations
Corrective exercises for a proper movement
Body re-composition
Preparation for a special event (e.g. a photo shoot, wedding)

Intro per training
How we train 1
How we train 2

How we train

Only you: Personal training one-to-one
Suitable especially for strength training and specific goals
Periodical measurement of the progress by me
100% attention and time efficiency

You+1: Personal training duo
Suitable for both strength and conditioning
For clients of similar goals and stage of training
Can boost performance & motivation
Periodical measurement of the progress by me
Attention divided equally to both

Small group training
3 – 6 clients
High Intensity Interval Trainings
Complexity and intensity adjusted to the training level of all participants
Progress is measured by the participants themselves

Training program only
I develop a training program for you based on your goals and agreed frequency and possibilities
Recommended change of the program is every 4 – 6 weeks
Measurements of the progress is periodically done by you; I only do that at the moment of the program renewal

Where we train

SportCity Waterloplein Amsterdam
Your gym (if possible)

Standard Amsterdam Lepelpleintje or Oosterpark;
Individual agreements possible

Various video sessions possibilities
Individual agreements

Where we train

“Only action creates change…